We are excited to announce that Executive Director Jeff Reed and Assistant Director, Operations & People Laura Burcaw have been accepted to represent CMS in The CORE Fellowship at the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation.

The CORE Fellowship Program is a two-year capacity building process designed to bring Lehigh Valley nonprofit leaders together to center equity in themselves, their relationships, their organizations, and the Lehigh Valley nonprofit sector. The program consists of peer-to-peer learning, individual coaching, consultant pairing for an organization equity discovery process, and funding to support organizational capacity-building.  The fellowship is designed for both nonprofit leaders and their organizations to support equitable change in delivering on their personal and professional mission.  

Diversity is one of the five strategic objectives for our organization, as approved by the CMS Board of Directors in 2021. The objective states that CMS will “strive to embody the community that we serve through more inclusive representation across our board, faculty, and staff, as well as through building relationships with diverse organizations.”  

News Release | LVCF Announces 2024-2026 CORE Fellowship Participants