CMS Building Parking & Access Updates

On September 18, 2023, HDC MidAtlantic began construction of a four-story apartment building on the parking lot directly east of the CMS building. The official groundbreaking was held on Friday, September 29, 2023. As of March 2025, construction is now complete and tenants are moving into the 49 apartments. A ribbon cutting was held on Friday, March 21, 2025. HDC and their contractor, EG Stoltzfus are working closely with CMS Executive Director Jeff Reed to ensure safety for CMS students, families, and staff, both during and after construction of the apartment building.
We will communicate updates on access and parking to you via this website, email, and SMS/text message. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding during construction. If you have any questions, please email us at
Update 3/25/25

🚧 Paving and parking line striping of our parking areas are now complete.
🚗 There is a new one-way flow of traffic in the rear parking area; as you enter from 16th Street, you must keep to the right of the driveway and turn sharply right into the parking lot.
➡️ Please observe the painted arrows on the lot surface to ensure vehicular and pedestrian safety.
🛑 To exit, follow the arrows, loop around the east end of our lot, and return to the exit on 16th Street at the stop line.
♿️ The three-space ADA-only parking area is now accessible from Hamilton St. (A PA Blue Hang Tag is required).
CMS students, parents, and staff should note and follow the following updates regarding building access and parking:
• CMS staff, students, and parents should use the parking lot in the rear of the CMS building. ENTER & EXIT the CMS rear parking area from 16th Street.
• You may also enter from Hamilton Street, but please note that it is one-way in-bound from Hamilton Street.
• There is no exit on to Hamilton Street.
• The three parking spaces in the small lot in front of the CMS building are reserved for persons with disabilities.
• CMS guests who park in these reserved spaces in the front lot must display an official Pennsylvania Person with Disability Parking Placard in their vehicles. All other parked vehicles will be ticketed.