We wish our high school graduates success and happiness as they head off to college and future careers. Even if these students do not pursue music as a career, we hope that music will continue to be an important part of their lives. All three of this year’s seniors have been taking lessons at CMS since middle school, and it has been a joy to see them flourish as musicians and as young people. We wish these proud graduates all the best and hope that they will always cherish their excellent education at CMS.

Ananya Gope

Ananya Gope, violin student of Linda Kistler, graduated from Parkland High School (PHS).  She studied violin with Linda Kistler at CMS for five years.  Her favorite aspect of music is “being able to share the knowledge of creating music and the joy of receiving it. I like how it is a universal language that connects people of all different backgrounds and ages.”  At PHS, Ananya participated in Strolling Strings, where she served as President.  She also served as the Assistant Director of the Orchestra Academy Tutoring Program at Parkland Middle Schools.  She plans to study biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University and to continue playing music in a college ensemble.

Peter Heckman

Peter Heckman, piano student of Dr. David Saturen, graduated from the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts. He began studying piano with Dr. Saturen at CMS when he was in the 5th grade, and he has continued for eight years. Peter enjoys the challenge of the piano. At Charter Arts, Peter was a double instrumental major in piano and trombone. His favorite aspect of music is performance, especially accompanying other students at his school. Peter plans to begin college at Penn State University Lehigh Valley, major in finance, and then transfer to the main PSU campus in State College.

The Story Behind the “Turkish March”:  

Peter’s performance of “Alla Turca from Sonata K. 331” (known as the Turkish March), by W. A. Mozart at the “Year-End” Recital on Sunday, June 2, was truly a “full-circle” moment. Watch his performance here. Ten years ago, when Peter was eight years old, his brother bought him a small toy keyboard for $5 at a yard sale. Peter found the Turkish March online and taught himself to play it on that toy keyboard. This prompted his parents to buy him a full-size keyboard, and then, eventually, a 1930s baby grand piano. Peter’s first piano teacher gave him the abbreviated version of the “Turkish March” to learn. After a year, that teacher moved away, and Peter came to CMS to begin his study with Dr. Saturen. “Peter has become a very capable performer, with very good technique, stylistic accuracy, and artistry in general. His knowledge extends to a great variety of genres,” said Dr. David Saturen. Eight years later, Peter performed the “Turkish March” at the Year-End Recital. Peter’s father, Rodger said, “I have been waiting all this time for him to be able to perform it. Even though he is not pursuing a career in piano performance, his lessons were invaluable for his development, and I am certain the piano will remain a part of his life.”

Ceiran Magee

Ceiran Magee, piano student of Kelly Hooper and violin student of Carolyn Gaul, graduated from the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts.  When he was 11 years old, Ceiran began studying piano with Rachel Hosterman at CMS at our former location at Miller Symphony Hall . Over his many years at CMS, he studied piano with Kathy Anthony, ukulele and Modern Band with Kate Uhler, and saxophone with Seval Kanik.  Ceiran was recognized as the 2022-2023 CMS Amaranth Scholar in piano and the 2023-2024 CMS Maletz Scholar in violin.  His favorite thing about CMS is the positive environment and “learning fun songs, playing for people, and letting them enjoy the music.”  Ceiran has been active with his church band and the National Honor Society, Improv Club, Orchestra, String Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble, and Instrumental Club.  He enjoys music, video games, and volunteering for CMS musical instrument petting zoos and summer camps.  Ceiran was accepted to both Moravian University and Kutztown University and plans to attend Kutztown University and major in violin performance.

Senior Recital:   Longtime CMS student and 2024 high school graduate Ceiran Magee will perform works on the piano and violin, along with special guests, at a free recital on Saturday, June 22, at 2:00 PM, in the Dorothy H. Baker Recital Hall at CMS!   Learn more.

Ceiran Magee senior recital graphic - June 22, 2024